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Marietta Zille wins the City of Vienna Förderungspreis


The Förderungspreise have been awarded annually since 1951 to honour young artists and academics. The awards, each worth €4,000, recognise the recipients' artistic and academic achievements to date and are intended to encourage them in their future careers. All winners were selected by independent advisory boards.

Ass.-Prof. Marietta Zille, PhD won the sponsorship award in the STEM category. A medical neuroscientist by training, she has dedicated her career to studying the aetiology and pathophysiology of neurodegeneration, cerebrovascular disease and brain ageing, and to developing effective therapeutic approaches to restore function to the injured brain. Dr. Zille has characterised the signalling pathways that lead to neuronal death after stroke. She is working on a detailed molecular understanding of how different brain cells enable brain function and are involved in degenerative and regenerative processes after injury, as well as the life-long neuronal and extraneuronal changes that lead to neurodegeneration later in life. This is essential for the development of successful treatment strategies.


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