

It is 30 times larger than the human genome and more than double the size of the previous record...


The Förderungspreise have been awarded annually since 1951 to honour young artists and academics....


Wilhelm Fleischhacker, ein angesehener Wissenschaftler, geschätzter Mentor und hervorragender...


Almtal becomes a model region for science education in the field of biodiversity and environmental...


In EMBO's 60th anniversary year, 100 new Members and 20 Associate Members from 37 countries and...


At the University of Vienna, enthusiastic and excellent doctoral students are working on fascinating...


24.05.2024 19:00

24. bis 26. Mai | Theater, Laborkurse, Abendvorträge, Workshop und Science Café - verschiedene Formate laden ein, über CRISPR-Cas zu lernen und zu...

24.05.2024 17:00

The University of Vienna is taking part in the Lange Nacht der Forschung on 24 May 2024 (17:00 - 23:00) with over 100 stations at four locations.

19.04.2024 09:30

With the start of the gardening season, the Rare Plants Fair invites plant lovers and garden enthusiasts to the Botanical Garden of the University of...