As part of the worldwide "March for Science" initiative that emerged in 2017 in the USA, the scientific community once again takes a stand for a fact-based approach to the issues of our time. Scientific development and the major social issues keep on challenging our society. We have to cooperate to find viable solutions to these challenges. Therefore, this requires mutual exchange between science and society and a process from which all of those involved can benefit. It is necessary to retain and ensure rational decision-making, based on public discourse, scientific facts and arguments. Anything else is a threat to science and the democratic system. As this exchange between science and society is also great fun, the University of Vienna and the Science March Vienna team invited to the closing event of the "Lange Nacht der Forschung" (long night of research) on Friday, 13 April 2018, 23:00, at the Campus of the University of Vienna. [watch the video]